Friday, April 4, 2014


I looked in the mirror.  What happened?  Dang!  My baby face is of a grumpy old man!  Skin sags here and there.  Wrinkles!  Crows feet!  I think it happened overnight.  Must be a virus.
I realize aging is just a fact of life.  I kind of like it.  But I wasn't prepared for the face to change.  Holy cow.
But, here I am.  I don't look too bad for fifty-eight I guess.  I can still smile, laugh, get excited, get fussy, enjoy life.  So I can't complain.
The aches and pains are definitely there.  Getting up in the morning is a bit different than when I was twenty years younger. 
I have a much different perspective than I did then.  I have to watch everything I eat.  Manage my salt and fat intake.  And don't get me started on fiber.  So I watch my cholesterol, my blood pressure, my weight (I have plenty of that), the amount of sleep I get, and on and on.
But along with that is the fun part.  Farts can get really hilarious!  People ask me if I need help to the car.  6' 6" tall and they ask me if I want help.  Very nice of them, but generally, I can do it, thanks.
My hair line receded very quickly when I was in my early twenties.  I started shaving the "cul-de-sac" when I was twenty-eight.  Never looked back.  Makes my hair very easy to part.  Still don't get discounts at the barber though.
I used to be the guy people would call to move their refrigerator.  Not anymore!  Those days are long gone.  The old spine just ain't what it used to be.
My hands got old somewhere.  They are lumpy.  I look at them and wonder when that happened.  Must have been looking the other way.
Age has snuck up on me.  Sneaky little bastard.  But I intend to live life to the fullest.  I want to talk to my kids more.  I need to call my friend Larry.  I need to drink better coffee.  I love shrimp.
I need to eat more fish tacos.  I need to tell more jokes.  I love dumb jokes.
Age is coming.  I can't help it.  But I intend to fight it all the way.  I intend to go out yelling, "wahoo!"  David

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