Friday, April 11, 2014

Three things.....

This time of year often brings slow sales.  We expect it.  After Christmas people watch their pocketbook a little more closely.  Usually though, things pick up a bit in April.  Not this time.
In order to bring in more business, we try innovation, and new marketing concepts.  By doing that, we hopefully stir some interest in our customers.  We try to get some excitement going.
Lately we have put out some dolls on auction with a ninety-nine cent starting price.  It doesn't usually bring in big money, but usually we break even and it brings people into our store.  Sometimes a family that can't really afford one of our dolls is able to get one.  Recently we sent one of these to a family in Canada. 
On a quiet Sunday morning, we got a phone call from the mom.  They were amazed and thrilled.  It was such a boost to our morale.  Rita smiled all day. 
The Good Lord has His ways.  He has his plans.  Not me.  I can make plans, but if it doesn't jive with His, it probably won't happen.  Or it will fall flat. 
Looking back at times like this, we have had many heartwarming stories like this.  It seems like He is a pretty smart guy.
Recently, I saw an interview with a man that had been wrongly convicted of murdering his wife.  After twenty-five years of incarceration, losing his wife, losing those years of watching his son grow up, he used that time for serious introspection.  He used that time to counsel other inmates.  He found a tremendous deep faith.
After his release he said there were three things he learned.  One, God is real.  He is smarter than all of us.  And He loves us.
After that, what else matters? 
So, we make dolls, and bless lives.  We live His plan.  And its pretty darned good.  I am privileged to be a part of His plan.  Thanks Jesus.  David

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