Monday, April 14, 2014

Love me or leave me....

One of the things I first told my sweetie as we were first getting to know each other, "I am who I am.
Love me or leave me, just don't bore me."  For me this was a sign of strength.  I accepted who I was, and was not going to change in order to be loved.  This is it.  Just me.
Luckily Rita liked what she saw.  She loved me for who I was.  Pretty amazing.
I write of this in the past tense because I have changed over the years.  Immensely.  But my change came from within, because I wanted to.  I wanted to become a better man for her.
Yesterday I wrote of my sarcastic wit.  That turned out to be harmful to our relationship.  So, one day at a time, I will work on that.  For me and for Rita.  That is a very healthy attitude.
I want to be a better man.  For myself, and for her.
To summarize, Rita loved me for who I was, but I want to be more.  We all change over the years, its best to change in positive ways.  David

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