Thursday, May 29, 2014

When it hits the fan, who do you call?

Last night, Rita and I tried to watch a previous episode of a tv series we had missed.  Rita went through all kinds of websites trying to view it.
Some wanted money.  Some wanted a monthly subscription.  We wanted it free.  Silly us. 
We found a "free" site that looked promising.  But we had to download some type of program to enable our laptop to view it.  That was "free" too.
By the time she was done, we ended up with our poor laptop working overtime to try and figure out what it was we wanted.  We ended up with the black screen of death.  Thank goodness it wasn't the blue screen.  That's terminal.
If this was me, I would have frozen wherever I was, screamed "NOOOO!!!" and then yelled for Rita.  It amazes me how she can figure it all out.
Within an hour, she had it back running again.  This morning she will uninstall whatever it was that she downloaded. 
I probably would have crapped my pants.  I may not be using my computer to its fullest potential, but if it means not having to go through that, I am happy.
For me, if I miss an episode on TV, I just plain missed it.  Life goes on.  It isn't worth it. 
The moral of the story is, if your computer craps out, call Rita.  She is amazing.  David
As usual, your comments and stories are always welcome. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


One of the most satisfying foods I can think of are beans.  They fill you up.  Quite nicely for a very reasonable price.  Easy to make.
Many different recipes.  Beans and ham.  Beans and veggies.  Refried.  Beans, beans, and more beans.
They are very good for you.  They provide essential nutrients.  We try to have them once or twice a month.
Mongo loved them.
And an added surprise, they are funny afterward.  Don't forget the onions!  David
As always, your comments and stories are always welcome. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


This morning I was doing my usual scrolling through facebook.  I am looking through the assortment of funny pictures, stories, political comments, and whatnot.  A friend, Lily Garcia, posted the Lord's prayer.  It shook me out of my morning stupor. 
I had already checked ebay and Etsy, checked the email, read the news, and solved the daily Sudoku.  I was just about done with my morning routine.
The first line just spoke to me.  "Our Father."  Daddy.  Abba.  Yahweh.  Jesus.  Comforter.  Healer.  Protector.  Jehovah.  The list goes on and on. 
I say "Heavenly Father" nearly every day as Rita and I sit down to a meal.  But I skip over it.  Its what I say to start the prayer and get to what I want.  What I need.  Then finish and eat my meal.
But that is the most important part of the prayer!  If I were to do it properly, I probably don't need to say the rest.  Utter, absolute reverence.  Solemn thanks.  Gratefulness.  A deep and abiding love for He who gave me life.  An appreciation for all the blessings in my life. 
He already knows my wants and needs.  He already knows how I am feeling.   He already knows.  But the use of prayer in my life is not so much for that, but to allow me to have time with Him.  For me to communicate, and have a relationship with Him.
God, Jesus, Jehovah, Yahweh, Abba, was there in my deepest darkest times.  He was there.  He shone the light for me.  He forgave me.  He showed his ultimate grace.  Its humbling. 
And yet, I go right past His name when I pray.  To get to my stuff.  I am so very immature in my spiritual life.  I need to work on that.  All I need to do is follow the light that He is holding for me, stay on the path He has provided.  And love Him.
Today.  David
As always, your comments and stories are always welcome.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day

"A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, or woods, but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle."  George William Curtis.
How true.
My country is based upon freedoms.  Freedom to worship as I choose.  Freedom to speak my mind.  Freedom to tell the truth.  Freedom to assemble.  Freedom from tyranny.
Recently there have been many assaults on those freedoms.  It worries me that our younger generation will not know how hard it was to win those freedoms. 
I am loyal to the principles of freedom.  Therefore, I am patriotic.  But I am not happy with those that yearn to diminish my freedoms or the freedoms of my family.
I wish you all a happy Memorial Day as we remember our fallen heroes.  David
As always, your comments and stories are always welcome.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Some time ago I learned of a mantra from the US Marines.  It says, "There are no such things as problems, only opportunities."
That kind of sums up my approach to life.  Everybody has obstacles. Everybody has disappointments. Everybody has things that are out of their control go crazy.
What defines me is what I do with it.  If this obstacle is of my own doing, I can learn from it. I can not do it again.  If said obstacle is of someone else's doing, I can try doing it differently.  There is always another approach.  There is always another way to do things.  Even if it means just having an new attitude.
Another mantra from the Marines, MUAR.  Maximum use of available resources.  A paper clip could save your life. 
Rita and I sell dolls in order to pay the bills and survive.  We often experience downturns in business.  Its what happens.  What we have to do is look at all our assets and decide what we can do to make more money.  We can make different dolls.  Use different outfits.  Try different lighting for the pictures.  Try different backgrounds etc. etc.
The point I am making is we have to be possibility thinkers.  Rev. Robert Schuller once said a prayer that went something like:
When face with a mountain,
I climb over.
I will tunnel under, 
I will travel around,
I will fly over,
With God's help, I can do anything.

Kind of sums it all up for me.  David

As always, your comments and thoughts are always welcome.  Feel free to chime in.  D

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Country words of wisdom

Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.
Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.

Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
Words that soak into your ears are whispered… not yelled.
Meanness don’t jes’ happen overnight.
Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.
Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge.
You cannot unsay a cruel word.
Every path has a few puddles.
When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.
The best sermons are lived, not preached.
Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway.
Don’t judge folks by their relatives.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honorable life… Then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second time.
Don ‘t interfere with somethin’ that ain’t bothering you none.
Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a Rain dance.
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.
Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.
The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin’.
Always drink upstream from the herd.
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.
Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in.
If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around..
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.
Most times, it just gets down to common sense.
~ Michael Traveler, author of Michael Traveler, author of Postcards from the Backroads Read more about it here or find out how to get your own copy ...

Sock it to me!

This morning I read an article about a woman diagnosed with ovarian cancer.  After all the treatments the cancer came back with a vengeance.  She was told it was terminal.  Instead of letting it get her down, she preferred to live the time she had with all the gusto she had led her life.
Her motto is  "Dum vivimus vivamus," which means, "While we live, let us live."  To me that is incredibly profound.  We get one life.  One roll of the dice.  One hand to play.  It is ours to do with as we please. 
External factors may judge some of your life.  Parents, social standing, race, economics, etc. can all play a part.  But what gives us joy is how we react, behave, to all that.  Some are born rich and are incredibly miserable. Others are dirt poor and happy as a clam. 
It is what is inside that makes the difference.  I want to live my life as fully as I can.  Today, I will make dolls with Rita.  I will make her some dinner and try to make her feel special.  I will call someone.  I will play a game of scrabble.  This all makes me happy.
Today, I will make my life the best I can.  Sock it to me!  David

As always, your comments are always welcome.  Feel free to chime in.  D

Monday, May 19, 2014


     You have brains in your head
     You have feet in your shoes
     You can steer yourself
     In any direction you choose
                                 Dr. Seuss

What a wonderful author.  I spent many hours reading his books as a child.  They were fun and imaginative.  I read them today in awe at his poetic and literary talent.  They are timeless.

This brings to mind a quote that has been around for a while and haunts me to this day.
     "What could you accomplish if you knew you could not fail?"

This quote pushes Rita and I in our business.  It helps us to overcome fear.  It challenges us to do better, to try new things.  We are challenged to take different approaches we might have not tried.

I wonder where the feet in my shoes will take me today?  David

As always, your thoughts and ideas are always welcome.  Feel free to add your stories and/or comments.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Its just me. Little old me.

Recently I read an article about ADHD.  It spoke to how others perceive you and react to who you are.  If you don't fit in their box, if you don't behave as they do, if you are quirky, you may get shunned. 

    “Some people will only love you as long as you fit in their box. Don’t be afraid to disappoint.”

I have had people that didn't appreciate my sense of humor.  I have been close to people that could not understand how I could walk into a room and forget why I was going there.
I will be talking to Rita out on the porch, see a pretty bird, and completely forget what I was saying.
I have come to understand some of it.  It gets frustrating. 
BUT!!!!   I am proud that I can enjoy the beauty of this world.  I can enjoy the day He has given me.
And I can be proud of me.  I can be happy in my own skin.  Blemishes, faults, and all. 
Its just me.  Little old me.

Friday, May 16, 2014

You have to...

"You have to be willing to let go of the future you had planned to be able to enjoy the life you deserve."  Author unknown
This is so true for me.  I had planned to save the world with groceries.  I felt as though I was destined to be in that industry all my life.  Little did I know that my life could be SO much better working from home with my sweetie.
I wake up, make the coffee, check the computer, Rita wakes up, we talk, and get started.  No commute.  Fourteen steps to my chair.  I love it.
If we had not made the decision to make dolls, I would still be running the grocery rat race.  It was clear to me that needed to end. 
I look up from working and there she is.  The love of my life.  And she chooses to spend the day with me.  Little old me.
By being willing to make a change, my life is immeasurably better.  What's in store for you?

As always, comments are encouraged.  Feel free to respond.  :-)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Fire and ants.....

Fire season is upon us!  The last three days have brought triple digit heat, very strong winds, low humidity, and happy-go-lucky arsonists.
The winds have caused some minor damage to our house.  A window panel above the wondow A/C unit blew out.  Quite forcefully.  Thank God for duct tape!
The media are covering some of the many fires in and around Southern California.  Its crazy out there.  Dozens of homes are gone.  Just plain gone.  Everything.  Lives are shattered.  Hopefully these folks are resilient.  I know that people come together in times of disaster.  They rebuild, but they will never be the same.
This scares the daylights out of me.  Rita and I live in the middle of a wildlife refuge.  We are in a very small group of homes, surrounded by brush and vegetation.  A fire could roar through all that in minutes.
And then there are ants.  I hate 'em.  Ugh.  With the high heat, they move in for the summer.  They get all over the kitchen.  I do my best to keep it clean, but they can find the tiniest little thing and feed on it.  A pain in the kiester.  Damn.
If I have to choose, I'll take the ants.  At least I will still have a home when I clean up.  I am grateful.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Who am I?

A while back it struck me that there had been a major shift in my identity.  No, my ID still had the same name, but the description of David had gone through a major metamorphosis.
I was the grocery man.  Competent, capable.  I loved it.  I was good at it.  It gave my life meaning.
I always lived in the shadow of my father.  I was expected to be a good businessman.  At least that was what I perceived.  Now, I think, Dad would have been happy for me as long as I was good at what I did and was happy.  That's how I am with my boys.
My identity was the big guy.  When somebody needed to move, they called Big Dave to move the refrigerator and piano.  That and work took its toll on my back.  Now I am lucky to take out the garbage.
Now, my identity has changed.  I am still husband and father, but I am a seamster.  Proudly.  It took me a while to come to terms with that.
Here is this 6' 6" really BIG man, that makes doll dresses.  Me.  Making doll dresses.  Go figure.  As it turns out, I am pretty good at it.  I enjoy it. 
I can take raw materials and put them together in such a way that comes out pretty and useful.  People like it.  Mine will compare to just about anybody's. 
My outfits can help sell a doll!  They can make our dolls stand out from the pack.  It turns out I have a pretty good eye for it too.
I guess what this comes down to is that we have to be able to use our talents in ways that you can't imagine.  You never know what God has in store for us.  You just never know.
My outfits are all over the world by now being enjoyed by many of our customers.  I like that.
What's in store for you?

As always, comments and responses are always welcome.  David.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

A letter to Mom on Mother's Day

Hi Mom.
Its been a while since we spoke last.  You passed from this earth about five years ago.  Seems like forever.  Seems like yesterday.
Remembrances are all I have.  But the bottom line is that you loved me.  Period.  I know there were times I worried you.  I am sure there were times you got angry or frustrated with me.  But.  You loved me.
I remember one night you came to check on me in the little house in Norco.  I had done something wrong (I don't remember, grades, whatever), and I was afraid to tell Dad. 
You were sympathetic, but you helped me do the right thing and talk to him.  Its not that I was afraid of Dad, I just didn't want to disappoint him.
You, however, were the parent I could turn to.  You were the one that cared for me when I was sick.  Not that Dad didn't, but you were the primary one.  When I had a fever, you were at my bedside.  When I was just plain down and out, you were the one to buy me comic books.  I loved that.
You made us slumgullion, Dad's term for whatever noodle enhanced, budget stretching, leftover using concoction you came up with in the electric skillet.  I loved that stuff.
You, my dear mother, encouraged me to learn to cook.  It has served me well.  It is something I can do well, I give my love to others through my own concoctions.  It gives me great pleasure.
I watched you make bread.  You showed me how to knead.  The smell of the yeast was heavenly. 
Then, you let me take the reins in the kitchen.  I found the recipe for Swedish Tea Rings in the Betty Crocker cookbook, the one with pictures. 
I made a God-awful mess.  The floor, sink, stove, and anything nearby was covered with flour.
But I succeeded.  I made several tea rings for family.  I got rave reviews.  I felt good about myself in a way I hadn't before.  I learned to give love, to be a caretaker from you.  I cherish that.
Now that you are in heaven, I just wonder what is in store when I get there.  I wonder if I get to cook there too.  I would love to be a part of the team that puts that heavenly feast upon God's table.  Who knows.  But I will be there. 
I can't wait to see you again.  I want so desperately to get a hug from you.
As I write this, the tears are flowing, the snot is running, my heart is regretting not spending more time with you.  I miss you.  Hugs.
Happy Mother's Day. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Recently Rita and I have had a pretty serious downturn in our business.  We are scrambling to gin up some cash flow.  Hard times seem to be always waiting at our door.  Sometimes scrambling for a couple of bucks can hurt you down the road.  Hard to figure out.
Today I read of a young man from Princeton that did some research into his family, specifically his parents and grandparents.  One of his professors had assumed he was privileged because he was Jewish.  The professor had implied he could not have anything to say to minorities because he didn't know their struggle or their lot in life. 
What he found about his grandparents was that his grandmother had survived the Bergen-Gelson death camp in World War II.  She had been forced into hard labor for two or three years, watching her family and friends all be murdered.  She weighed eighty pounds.
His grandfather had escaped to Russia to be confined to their horrid and brutal work camps in Siberia during the war.  When the war ended, they were liberated and traveled to America to start a new life.  Ameica is where his grandparents met.
His grandfather began a wicker basket company, working long hard hours every day to make enough to support them.  He didn't complain about the long hours, the pittance of money he made, the tough conditions they were in, because they had freedom.  They could go to Synagogue without fear.
They raised a family, sent them to school, in the hopes their children would know a better life.
Their son, this young man's father, graduated from community college, got a job with a good company, and made enough money to send his children to a private jewish school.  His father worked long hard hours and was proud of his family.  They never were able to afford a vacation, but they lived reasonably well.
The point of his story was that we should not assume we all know of one anothers troubles, or if their life is easy.  We all have our stories, and we should not assume.
But, a point I got out of this article was, this young man's grandfather spoke of his times of trouble running his wicker basket business.  He said, "I survived Hitler.  Some business problems are going to ruin me?"
This put my business problems all in perspective. We will persevere and survive. Dammit.  David

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Wow.  Yesterday's blog I wrote with hope and anticipation.  I was choosing to take charge of my destiny. 
Yesterday turned out to be a tough one.  Things did not go as I planned. 
Pretty much got me down.  Having a tough time getting through it.
I am still in charge of my destiny.  I can still choose to be happy.  I can still flirt with my wife (didn't really do that yesterday, an opportunity missed).
As I said yesterday,
Today is precious.  Its my day.  I choose to enjoy it.  This day.  David

Saturday, May 3, 2014

This day...

Today, this day, I will make mine.  It is mine to do with as I please.
I can do what I want with it.  I can choose to be noble.  I can choose to be self destructive.  I can choose to be mean.  It is my day the Lord has given me.  My choice.
Oh!  The possibilities!  I can go on an adventure!  I can read a book!  I can stay home and work to make my life better.
I can sit on my lard butt and do nothing.  The choices seem endless.
I can call my kids today!  I can enjoy the morning sun.  I can revel in mundane and see, even there, God's hand.  I can kiss my wife.
I can flirt with her.  I can ignore her.  I can cuss up a storm if I wish.  Or I can respect her wishes (and also respect myself) and not spout nastiness.
I can slander another person.  Or, I can lift them up.  I can talk like I know everything, or I can listen.
Today, I choose to be kind.  I choose to be loving.  I choose to listen.  I choose to talk to my kids.
I choose.  I am in charge of my destiny.
So often, I live my life doing what I think I am supposed to do, what others have said I should do. 
It is my life. 
How much of my life have I wasted?
Today is precious.  Its my day.  I choose to enjoy it.  This day.  David