Thursday, May 22, 2014


Some time ago I learned of a mantra from the US Marines.  It says, "There are no such things as problems, only opportunities."
That kind of sums up my approach to life.  Everybody has obstacles. Everybody has disappointments. Everybody has things that are out of their control go crazy.
What defines me is what I do with it.  If this obstacle is of my own doing, I can learn from it. I can not do it again.  If said obstacle is of someone else's doing, I can try doing it differently.  There is always another approach.  There is always another way to do things.  Even if it means just having an new attitude.
Another mantra from the Marines, MUAR.  Maximum use of available resources.  A paper clip could save your life. 
Rita and I sell dolls in order to pay the bills and survive.  We often experience downturns in business.  Its what happens.  What we have to do is look at all our assets and decide what we can do to make more money.  We can make different dolls.  Use different outfits.  Try different lighting for the pictures.  Try different backgrounds etc. etc.
The point I am making is we have to be possibility thinkers.  Rev. Robert Schuller once said a prayer that went something like:
When face with a mountain,
I climb over.
I will tunnel under, 
I will travel around,
I will fly over,
With God's help, I can do anything.

Kind of sums it all up for me.  David

As always, your comments and thoughts are always welcome.  Feel free to chime in.  D

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