Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Sock it to me!

This morning I read an article about a woman diagnosed with ovarian cancer.  After all the treatments the cancer came back with a vengeance.  She was told it was terminal.  Instead of letting it get her down, she preferred to live the time she had with all the gusto she had led her life.
Her motto is  "Dum vivimus vivamus," which means, "While we live, let us live."  To me that is incredibly profound.  We get one life.  One roll of the dice.  One hand to play.  It is ours to do with as we please. 
External factors may judge some of your life.  Parents, social standing, race, economics, etc. can all play a part.  But what gives us joy is how we react, behave, to all that.  Some are born rich and are incredibly miserable. Others are dirt poor and happy as a clam. 
It is what is inside that makes the difference.  I want to live my life as fully as I can.  Today, I will make dolls with Rita.  I will make her some dinner and try to make her feel special.  I will call someone.  I will play a game of scrabble.  This all makes me happy.
Today, I will make my life the best I can.  Sock it to me!  David

As always, your comments are always welcome.  Feel free to chime in.  D

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