Saturday, May 3, 2014

This day...

Today, this day, I will make mine.  It is mine to do with as I please.
I can do what I want with it.  I can choose to be noble.  I can choose to be self destructive.  I can choose to be mean.  It is my day the Lord has given me.  My choice.
Oh!  The possibilities!  I can go on an adventure!  I can read a book!  I can stay home and work to make my life better.
I can sit on my lard butt and do nothing.  The choices seem endless.
I can call my kids today!  I can enjoy the morning sun.  I can revel in mundane and see, even there, God's hand.  I can kiss my wife.
I can flirt with her.  I can ignore her.  I can cuss up a storm if I wish.  Or I can respect her wishes (and also respect myself) and not spout nastiness.
I can slander another person.  Or, I can lift them up.  I can talk like I know everything, or I can listen.
Today, I choose to be kind.  I choose to be loving.  I choose to listen.  I choose to talk to my kids.
I choose.  I am in charge of my destiny.
So often, I live my life doing what I think I am supposed to do, what others have said I should do. 
It is my life. 
How much of my life have I wasted?
Today is precious.  Its my day.  I choose to enjoy it.  This day.  David

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