Sunday, May 18, 2014

Its just me. Little old me.

Recently I read an article about ADHD.  It spoke to how others perceive you and react to who you are.  If you don't fit in their box, if you don't behave as they do, if you are quirky, you may get shunned. 

    “Some people will only love you as long as you fit in their box. Don’t be afraid to disappoint.”

I have had people that didn't appreciate my sense of humor.  I have been close to people that could not understand how I could walk into a room and forget why I was going there.
I will be talking to Rita out on the porch, see a pretty bird, and completely forget what I was saying.
I have come to understand some of it.  It gets frustrating. 
BUT!!!!   I am proud that I can enjoy the beauty of this world.  I can enjoy the day He has given me.
And I can be proud of me.  I can be happy in my own skin.  Blemishes, faults, and all. 
Its just me.  Little old me.

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