Thursday, May 29, 2014

When it hits the fan, who do you call?

Last night, Rita and I tried to watch a previous episode of a tv series we had missed.  Rita went through all kinds of websites trying to view it.
Some wanted money.  Some wanted a monthly subscription.  We wanted it free.  Silly us. 
We found a "free" site that looked promising.  But we had to download some type of program to enable our laptop to view it.  That was "free" too.
By the time she was done, we ended up with our poor laptop working overtime to try and figure out what it was we wanted.  We ended up with the black screen of death.  Thank goodness it wasn't the blue screen.  That's terminal.
If this was me, I would have frozen wherever I was, screamed "NOOOO!!!" and then yelled for Rita.  It amazes me how she can figure it all out.
Within an hour, she had it back running again.  This morning she will uninstall whatever it was that she downloaded. 
I probably would have crapped my pants.  I may not be using my computer to its fullest potential, but if it means not having to go through that, I am happy.
For me, if I miss an episode on TV, I just plain missed it.  Life goes on.  It isn't worth it. 
The moral of the story is, if your computer craps out, call Rita.  She is amazing.  David
As usual, your comments and stories are always welcome. 

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