Monday, May 12, 2014

Who am I?

A while back it struck me that there had been a major shift in my identity.  No, my ID still had the same name, but the description of David had gone through a major metamorphosis.
I was the grocery man.  Competent, capable.  I loved it.  I was good at it.  It gave my life meaning.
I always lived in the shadow of my father.  I was expected to be a good businessman.  At least that was what I perceived.  Now, I think, Dad would have been happy for me as long as I was good at what I did and was happy.  That's how I am with my boys.
My identity was the big guy.  When somebody needed to move, they called Big Dave to move the refrigerator and piano.  That and work took its toll on my back.  Now I am lucky to take out the garbage.
Now, my identity has changed.  I am still husband and father, but I am a seamster.  Proudly.  It took me a while to come to terms with that.
Here is this 6' 6" really BIG man, that makes doll dresses.  Me.  Making doll dresses.  Go figure.  As it turns out, I am pretty good at it.  I enjoy it. 
I can take raw materials and put them together in such a way that comes out pretty and useful.  People like it.  Mine will compare to just about anybody's. 
My outfits can help sell a doll!  They can make our dolls stand out from the pack.  It turns out I have a pretty good eye for it too.
I guess what this comes down to is that we have to be able to use our talents in ways that you can't imagine.  You never know what God has in store for us.  You just never know.
My outfits are all over the world by now being enjoyed by many of our customers.  I like that.
What's in store for you?

As always, comments and responses are always welcome.  David.

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