Tuesday, May 27, 2014


This morning I was doing my usual scrolling through facebook.  I am looking through the assortment of funny pictures, stories, political comments, and whatnot.  A friend, Lily Garcia, posted the Lord's prayer.  It shook me out of my morning stupor. 
I had already checked ebay and Etsy, checked the email, read the news, and solved the daily Sudoku.  I was just about done with my morning routine.
The first line just spoke to me.  "Our Father."  Daddy.  Abba.  Yahweh.  Jesus.  Comforter.  Healer.  Protector.  Jehovah.  The list goes on and on. 
I say "Heavenly Father" nearly every day as Rita and I sit down to a meal.  But I skip over it.  Its what I say to start the prayer and get to what I want.  What I need.  Then finish and eat my meal.
But that is the most important part of the prayer!  If I were to do it properly, I probably don't need to say the rest.  Utter, absolute reverence.  Solemn thanks.  Gratefulness.  A deep and abiding love for He who gave me life.  An appreciation for all the blessings in my life. 
He already knows my wants and needs.  He already knows how I am feeling.   He already knows.  But the use of prayer in my life is not so much for that, but to allow me to have time with Him.  For me to communicate, and have a relationship with Him.
God, Jesus, Jehovah, Yahweh, Abba, was there in my deepest darkest times.  He was there.  He shone the light for me.  He forgave me.  He showed his ultimate grace.  Its humbling. 
And yet, I go right past His name when I pray.  To get to my stuff.  I am so very immature in my spiritual life.  I need to work on that.  All I need to do is follow the light that He is holding for me, stay on the path He has provided.  And love Him.
Today.  David
As always, your comments and stories are always welcome.

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